Inspire your story-based immersive learning program

Geert Jan Kraan
Marketing Lead

Starting with VR training can be challenging. Where do you start? What topics work best? Is VR training right for my industry? For what use cases is VR training best suited? With our latest online resource all your questions will all be answered.

To inspire your story-based immersive learning program we created a new section on our website with example topics you can use for VR training. Learn for example how to confront an all-male board as a female manager, increase awareness of the risk of dropped objects at an energy plant, or work with an angry customer at a tech store. Each topic includes more details on the story, including elements like the learning goal, characters, locations, obstacles and outcomes.

We start with 20 topics, and will soon expand this with more to cover the wide variety of VR training use cases. Visit the inspiration page to explore our collection of topics to inspire your story-based immersive learning program. Read further below to download our free story-based worksheet to help you turn this inspiration into your own VR scenarios.

Create story-based training scenarios with our worksheet

Whenever you have a learning goal or topic you would like to use for immersive training, the next step is to create that story. It can be a challenging task to come up with the best narrative, the best dilemmas and the best outcomes. We have got your back with our story-based worksheet. It is a full workflow guidance to create the best possible immersive learning scenarios with your team.

Most stories evolve around a hero. This hero embarks on a quest, faces a series of challenges and ultimately returns home as a changed person. This structure is used by many film makers and storytellers to create linear stories.

Interactive immersive stories are different, there are multiple outcomes. That is way, we change his storyteller structure to be able to create story-based VR training scenarios yourself.

Our story writing worksheet is based on the three-act structure often used in storytelling for movies, novels, and plays. The worksheet divides the narrative into three distinct acts: setup, confrontation, and resolution. Each of these acts serves a specific purpose and helps to structure your narrative in an engaging and satisfying way. This keeps your audience interested and invested throughout the whole story.

Download the worksheet and check out our webinar How to create story-based training scenarios with our worksheet to learn how to best use it.

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