
Feedback loop

The feedback loop is a crucial element that enhances the learning experience and helps learners understand the consequences of their actions and apply new knowledge in real-time.

Understanding the feedback loop

A feedback loop in VR training is a cycle where the learner makes decisions, experiences the consequences of those decisions, and then has the opportunity to adjust their behavior based on the feedback received. This continuous process of action, feedback, and adjustment is essential for deep learning and skill development.

Scene 1: Multiple choice decision

In the first scene of a VR training scenario, the player is presented with a multiple-choice decision. For example, imagine a scenario where the player, as a customer service representative, must choose how to handle a demanding customer.


  1. Option 1: Apologize and offer a discount.
  2. Option 2: Listen carefully before responding.
  3. Option 3: Suggest the customer speak to a manager.

The player selects Option 1 as the best answer, believing that offering a discount will satisfy the customer.

Imagine a scenario where the player, as a customer service representative, must choose how to handle a demanding customer.

Scene 2: Experiencing consequences

After making the choice, the player moves to the next scene, where they experience the consequences of their decision. In this case, the customer might still be unhappy despite the discount because their primary concern was not addressed.

Consequences of option 1:

  • The customer feels that their concerns were not heard.
  • The discount does not resolve the underlying issue.
  • The customer leaves the store dissatisfied.

Returning to scene 1: Trying again

The feedback from Scene 2 helps the player understand that Option 1 was not the best choice. The player now has the opportunity to go back to Scene 1 and try again with new knowledge.

New choice:

  • The player selects Option 2 this time, using their new understanding that directly addressing customer concerns is more effective.

Immediate application and positive consequence

In the subsequent scene, the player experiences the positive consequence of their new behavior. By listening carefully and understanding the customer’s concerns, the player can address the issue more effectively.

Consequences of option 2:

  • The customer feels heard and valued.
  • The underlying issue is resolved, leading to customer satisfaction.
  • The customer leaves the store happy and more likely to return.

The beauty of immediate feedback

The feedback loop’s beauty lies in the immediate application and reinforcement of new knowledge. The player can quickly see the impact of their improved decision-making, reinforcing learning and building confidence.

Benefits of the feedback loop:

  • Real-time learning: Immediate feedback helps learners understand the consequences of their actions without delay.
  • Behavioral adjustment: Players can adjust their behavior based on the feedback, leading to better decision-making.
  • Engagement: The interactive nature of the feedback loop keeps learners engaged and invested in the outcome.
  • Retention: Experiencing both positive and negative consequences enhances memory retention and understanding.
A feedback loop made in Warp Studio


The feedback loop in VR training is a powerful tool for enhancing the learning experience. It fosters deep learning and skill development by allowing players to make decisions, experience consequences, and adjust their behavior in real-time. This continuous process helps learners understand the impact of their actions, make better decisions, and ultimately achieve their training objectives. Incorporating feedback loops into VR training scenarios allows you to create immersive, engaging, and effective learning experiences that drive real-world performance improvements.


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